Heart Goals

The start of year is often a time to think about SMART Goals — the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals for the projects we're doing.

One thing I always encourage my clients to think about, in addition to SMART Goals, are their HEART Goals.

I could develop an acronym for this, but that's not the point. The point is to sit and listen to what you really love and what would bring you life this year, whether or not it intersects directly with your work.

A few ideas for how to think about Heart Goals:

1. Imagine yourself this time in 2025, and you're looking back on the year and saying, "Wow, that was an amazing year." What would you have accomplished and why?

2. Imagine your life over the next 3, 6 and 12 months. Where are you in the world? Who is around who helps you feel the most supported? What does your to-do list look like?

3. If you could be certain that your financial needs are met, how would you allocate your time differently? Under your existing constraints this year, what are one or two small things you can do to bring yourself closer to this ideal way of being?

While SMART Goals get us to the work of how, Heart Goals are a reminder of our why. This is especially important during challenging times, when we need aspirational visions to help keep us moving forward.

I often encourage folks to write these out in prose form or even to visualize them in some way that can be kept front and center in their working space. They're our visions, our hopes, our dreams, our raison d'être, and they're worth being reminded of each day.


What Fills Your Cup? (Time Management vs Energy Management)