Modern Tarot and Career

During this time of tremendous societal change, we need many tools for figuring out our life and career paths. I’ve personally found the centuries-old practice of tarot helpful in my own life journey, and I am excited to extend this practice as an optional component of my general coaching services for each client.

I bring elements of meditative practice to my sessions, including sound, energy work and mindfulness. I use a variety of decks inspired by the Smith-Waite Deck, designed over 100 years ago by artist Pamela Colman Smith and tarotologist Arthur Waite.

Online sessions are conducted on Moonlight, an interactive online tarot platform.

All sessions are confidential.


  • My reading with AX was exciting, empowering and clarifying. I've done career coaching before, and I've had a tarot reading, but combining the two felt amazing. I can't wait to do it again!

    Product Designer and Artist

  • I've been getting career guidance from AX for over 2 years now with tarot readings. Originally a skeptic, I was surprised by how the readings told me exactly what I needed to hear. As a creative and entrepreneur, my career is linked to my self identity and purpose. These readings surfaced many of the subconscious blocks I had and gave me a push to do things I knew I had to do but hadn't. She was great about translating the readings into actionable tasks that helped my business grow, and my Self along with it.

    Yvonne Hung
    Founder and Entrepreneur

  • AX is a fantastically warm, grounding, and insightful guide. I'd highly recommend for anyone interested in a new tool for personal growth and reflection. She uses the tarot cards as a conduit for channeling really impactful, science-based coaching methodologies to unblock life and career challenges.

    Mental Health Startup